


Re-examining the Transformation of the Scholarism of Statecraft in the Qing Dynasty: Focusing on the Ming Dynasty Loyalist Wei Xi and His Disciple Liang Fen




曾龍生(Tseng, Lung-sheng)


清朝統治合法性 ; 經世之學 ; 魏禧 ; 梁份 ; 三藩之亂 ; the legitimacy of Qing Dynasty rule ; the scholarism of statecraft ; Wei Xi ; Liang Fen ; the Revolt of Three Feudatories




68期(2021 / 12 / 01)


43 - 94






Wei Xi (1624-1680) was the core figure of a Ming Dynasty loyalist group called "Yitang Jiuzi" (Nine scholars of Yi-hall), active in the early Qing Dynasty. By examining the scholarism of statecraft conducted by the Ming Dynasty loyalists Wei Xi and his disciple Liang Fen (1641-1729), in particular, we find that the scholarism of statecraft in the Qing Dynasty transformed from the scholarism to be used at a later time (when the Ming Dynasty was restored), that is, for restoring and reforming the Ming regime in the early Qing Dynasty to the scholarism to be used in the present age (during the Qing Dynasty) for better governing the empire in the middle to late Qing Dynasty. The critical period to effect this transformation was not to be some time in the eighteenth century but the Late seventeenth century, and the determining factor was not considered to be the political culture practices as based on the political tradition and Confucian orthodoxy, but rather the Revolt of Three Feudatories (1673-1681). The Revolt of Three Feudatories was highly significant to the Ming Dynasty loyalists, such as Wei Xi and his disciple Liang Fen. It changed their attitude towards the rulers of the Qing Dynasty, Which resulted in the transformation of their approach to the scholarism of statecraft. This transition marked that the legitimacy of Qing Dynasty rule had been established in the hearts of the Ming Dynasty loyalist, and meant the end of the early Qing and the beginning of the middle Qing Dynasty, the Ming Dynasty loyalists began to give up their ideal of restoring and reforming the old Ming regime and assist the rule of Qing Dynasty. Through this reexamination, this chapter is aimed to highlight the highly complex, interactive relationship between academia and politics in the Qing Dynasty, cast light on a series of changes and their historical process during the first half of the Qing, and reveal the need to combine the traditional history of the Ming Dynasty loyalists with the emerging "New Qing History."

主题分类 人文學 > 歷史學
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