


A Comparative Study on Knowledge Management Systems in Taiwan




謝恬(Tyan Hsieh);阮明淑(Ming-Shu Yuan)


知識管理系統 ; 比較分析研究 ; Knowledge management systems KMSs ; Comparative study




43卷4期(2006 / 06 / 01)


487 - 508






This study probes into the definitions, structures and functions of existing knowledge management systems (KMS) in Taiwan by literature review to reveal the current development of KMSs in the area. The study finds that the basic functions of KMSs remain as knowledge acquisition, document management, search, and community forum. However, these systems are insufficient of core competency process, such as construction of expert system and case analysis. The findings provide valuable reference for selection of KMSs, so as helpful in research and development of KMSs.

主题分类 人文學 > 圖書資訊學
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