


Integrating Information Literacy into Fourth-Grade Social Studies: A Student Guide Education for Historical Sites




林菁(Lin Ching Chen)


資訊素養 ; 古蹟 ; Big6模式 ; 合作 ; 學生解說員 ; Information literacy ; Historical sites ; Big6 model ; Collaboration ; Student guide




44卷3期(2007 / 04 / 01)


357 - 378






The purposes of this study are threefold, first, to develop an integrated information literacy in elementary social studies on the basis of Big6 model; secondly, to investigate students' learning performance; third, to find obstacles and solutions for implementing this curriculum. The collaborative action research is used as a framework in this study, which lasts for a year. Research data are gathered through the methods of participatory observation, interview, document analysis, as well as surveys. The research results show that most students have positive attitudes toward the integrated information literacy curriculum. Through exploring historical sites in person, students are more aware of the value of historical sites. Students are making good progress in basic information literacy skills and commentary on historical sites, while oral expression skills need to be improved. Students' lack of basic information literacy skills, and few chances for professional collaboration among teachers are two obstacles which impede information literacy being integrated into school curricula. Thus, more research should be conducted to explore these questions, such as developing systematic information literacy instruction, designing appropriate inquiry missions, and creating professional collaboration among teachers in schools.

主题分类 人文學 > 圖書資訊學
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