During the era of knowledge-based economy, knowledge management is important to organizations. Organization members' knowledge can be stored and then information or knowledge can be shared by KM. Organizational memory is one of intangible assets of one organization; it stores past experience and knowledge, supports organization strategy, and improves organization effectiveness. Accordingly, it is important to establishment and development of organizational memory for KM. Organizational culture can be stored by story, and it is one of retention facilities of organizational memory. For this reason, we can't ignore the influence of storytelling on organizational memory. Besides, universities are important in the era of knowledge-based economy because of the influence of organizational memory on thinking, behavior, and attitude of members. The idea, spirit, and culture of universities can be passed down by storytelling. Shih Hsin university is the subject in this study. Based on the literature review and in-depth interview, this study explores the importance of storytelling to organization, the influence of storytelling on organizational memory, and organization value can be or can not be conveyed and established effectively by storytelling. The results of this study indicate that: 1. The importance of storytelling: Through storytelling, organization members emotionally connect to their organization and then identify their organization; 2. Storytelling can store organizational culture, convey experience and knowledge, and improve acquisition, retention, and maintenance of process of organizational memory management; 3. Organization value and spirit can be conveyed effectively by storytelling. Meanwhile, it is positive to employees. The results of this study explore the influence of storytelling on organizational memory and could be the reference to establishment and development of organizational memory in such enterprise and higher education organization.
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