
應用Google Analytics於數位典藏網站計量分析


A Web Metrics Study on Taiwan Baseball Wiki Using Google Analytics




林信成(Sinn-Chang Lin);洪銘禪(Ming-Chen Hong)


數位典藏 ; 網站計量 ; 網站分析 ; 紀錄檔分析 ; Digital archive ; Web metrics ; Web analytics ; Log files analysis




47卷3期(2010 / 03 / 01)


343 - 369




數位典藏系統的最終目的是為提供使用者使用,因此,必須從使用者角度評估系統的設計,以充分掌握使用者需求,發掘系統潛在問題,藉以改善系統、提升品質與增進使用者滿意度。本研究選擇以使用者到訪率極高的數位典藏網站「台灣棒球維基館」為對象,利用著名的網站計量軟體Google Analytics做為主要分析工具,再輔以問卷調查結果,希望能掌握使用者的多樣面貌,包括:誰在使用?何時使用?何地使用?使用何物?如何使用?為何使用?使用者滿意度為何?以做為網站經營、管理、改進的依據。本研究也建議各個數位典藏網站可逐步導入網站計量分析概念,善用網站計量工具,有效地分析網站營運成果,解析網站使用客群,據以調整網站未來經營方向。


The ultimate purpose of digital archives is to provide users with an easy access to archived data. The assessment of the website with digital archives should be from the user's perspectives so that users' needs can be better understood, the potential design problems can be easily revealed, and the websites can be improved accordingly. This study analyzed Taiwan Baseball Wiki, a very popular website dedicated to baseball archives in Taiwan. Google Analytics, a well-known web metrics tool, was used as the primary research instrument. In addition, a questionnaire survey was conducted to collect the users' profile. Questions such as the 5WIH (i.e., who, when, where, why, what, and how) questions regarding the users and the use of the website, and the satisfaction level of the users are investigated. The results of the research provided valuable reference for future improvement of the website, especially for the areas of website management and administration. Furthermore, this study recommended web metrics tools to other websites which provide digital archives. The application of these tools can help with understanding and optimizing web usage.

主题分类 人文學 > 圖書資訊學
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