This study used both the Bradford's Law and the Lotka's Law in the traditional bibliometrics to explore the web users' behavior on Wiki Websites. In addition, by doing a case study for the ”Taiwan Baseball Wiki”, a digital archive website which was independently developed by Taiwan, this research discussed both the distribution of the web pages and the productivity of the editors on this Wiki Website. The research results show: (1) The distribution of the web-page editing frequency is highly consistent with the Bradord's Law and the Bradford-Zipf's Law. (2) Most editing work concentrates on a few web pages. For example, the first 2% of the core pages received 25% editing regarding the number of times; nearly half of the editing boiled down to 8.8% web pages, etc. (3) For the web-page productivity, the first half segment of the Lotka distribution, which covered about 90% of the editors, is closed to a straight line. It shows the number of edited web pages versus the percentage of editors have about 1.5th power inverse proportionality. (4) For the editing frequency productivity, the first half segment of the Lotka distribution, which covered about 90% of the editors, is also closed to a straight line. It shows the frequency of editing versus the percentage of editors have about 1.3th power inverse proportionality.
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