


A Study of College Students Preference for Servicescape of Academic Libraries




林詣筑(Yi-Chu Lin);邱銘心(Ming-Hsin Chiu)


大學圖書館 ; 服務環境 ; 氛圍 ; 照片引談法 ; Academic libraries ; Servicescape ; Ambiance ; Photo elicitation




49卷4期(2012 / 09 / 01)


609 - 636




隨著時代進步,科技的發展改變了民眾使用資訊的習慣與管道,雖大學圖書館讀者仍對圖書館實體空間有使用需求,然而到館率及使用率較以往有逐漸下降的趨勢。相關研究指出,讀者在選擇使用圖書館實體空間時,除考慮到其服務及館藏,服務空間的環境設計與氛圍營造亦會影響其使用意願與心態。本研究採用照片引談法(photo elicitation)作為研究方法,以受訪者所拍攝之照片做為訪談引導工具,探知讀者對於服務環境各因素之想法與偏好。本研究共訪談9位受訪者,徵集到213張照片作為分析資料。研究結果發現,大學讀者對環境中的視覺因素較為敏感;雖最重視的服務環境因素為與使用目的最為相關的功能設計,但美感設計因素對讀者在館內的服務體驗有極大的加分效果;對於館內的社會互動則最為注重館員的服務態度及館方管理方式。在了解讀者對於服務環境因素之偏好同時,亦以所提供之照片中所含概念完善圖書館服務環境衡量架構,其本架構可幫助未來大學圖書館設計館內服務環境時評估、參考之用。


With the passage of time, library services and architecture change from collection-centered to user-centered. While technology greatly changes users' channels of acquiring and preferences of using information, users consistently demand the physical library space, even with the decline of the usage rates. Related research indicated that in addition to the services and collections, the design and ambiance of the servicescape will also affect the user intent and attitude toward libraries' physical space. With this regard, this study aims to understand from the users' perspective of the way that servicescape and ambiance should be designed. This study used ”Photo-elicitation” as its data collection method, which utilized the photographs taken by respondents as a tool for in-depth interview. Photo-elicitation is believed to have the ability to narrow the gap between the respondents and the researchers, while helping to embody the abstract concepts. It is hoped that by adopting this method, respondents can be guided to clearly describe their preference of servicescape in academic library setting. Nine college students were interviewed and a total of 213 photographs were solicited and used as data source. This study confirms that college students are more sensitive to the visual aspect of servicescape design. The functional aspect of the servicescape is most valued, while the aesthetic aspect creates better service experience. Customer service attitude and library's management approach are two critical factors that college students valued most regarding the aspect of social interaction. In addition to exploring college students' preference of servicescape, this study also attempts to construct a framework that serves as guidance for designing and evaluating servicescape in academic libraries.

主题分类 人文學 > 圖書資訊學
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