Through citation analysis, this study explored the distribution of document type, language and publication year among citations in social science journals that published in Taiwan and indexed in Taiwan Social Science Citation Index (TSSCI). Samples as research subjects were research articles published in 2010 from first-rank journals assessed by Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, National Science Council. Sections in which citations appeared, namely introductions, methodologies, results, and conclusions, were to be examined as well. Conclusions and suggestions were made based on research results and intra/interdisciplinary comparisons. While citing characteristics and information needs of social scientists revealed in this study could be valuable in collection development of libraries or refinement of information services, analysis of research results may serve as reference for publishers of social science journals, scholars and providers of citation index databases-especially for domestic ones- on notes, citation formats and indices. Aiming at further exploration of citations, this study is also expected to provide a better understanding of citation nature, and serve as a stepping stone for future empirical studies.
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