


Subject Analysis of E-Learning Research




李清福(Ching-Fu Lee);陳志銘(Chih-Ming Chen);曾元顯(Yuen-Hsien Tseng)


數位學習 ; 主題分析 ; 分群技術 ; 共現字 ; 書目對 ; E-learning ; Subject analysis ; Clustering analysis ; Co-occurrence words ; Bibliographic coupling




50卷3期(2013 / 06 / 01)


319 - 354






In recent years, the global trend of applying information technology to teaching and learning has seen many countries promote e-learning as an important policy. This trend has led to the development of research topics in e-learning. The present study used a generalized definition of e-learning as its search strategy and retrieved a total of 2,125 SSCI journal articles in the field of e-learning from 2000 to 2009. The articles were analyzed with the scientometric tool, CATAR, based on co-word and bibliographic coupling analyses to determine the salient research subjects. These e-learning research subjects were verified and compared with those compiled by domain experts. The results of this study will help researchers look into their own field specialties, understand the developing trends in e-learning research, indicate researchers who have had influence in e-learning research, and determine future research subjects.

主题分类 人文學 > 圖書資訊學
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