


Effects of Online Student Question-Generation with Multiple Procedural Guides on Elementary Students' Use of Cognitive Strategies and Academic Achievement




于富雲(Fu-Yun Yu);賴奕嬛(Yi-Shiuan Lai)


認知策略 ; 網路學習系統 ; 學生出題策略 ; 學習成就 ; Academic achievement ; Online learning system ; Student question-generation ; Use of cognitive strategies




51卷4期(2014 / 09 / 01)


525-560 - 33






Student question-generation (SQG) procedural guides differ in terms of level of concreteness, demands on cognitive skills and appropriateness for respective instructional units. Because existing studies exclusively examine the effects of individual guides, this study was aimed at an investigation of the effects of online SQG with multiple guides intended to promote elementary students' use of cognitive strategies and to improve academic performance while learning Chinese and science. A quasi-experimental research method and an online learning system with dynamic scaffolding designs were adopted to support student learning of Chinese and science via the SQG approach. Two fifth-grade classes (N=56) participated for eight weeks. Twice per week, in accordance with the instructors' schedules, students engaged in online SQG or self-study activities in their randomly assigned groups. The results of the analysis of covariance indicated significant differences between the two treatment groups in their use of cognitive strategies while learning Chinese and science, with students in the SQG group scoring significantly higher than those in the comparison group. However, academic achievement between the two groups did not differ significantly. Suggestions for instructional implementations and future studies are provided.

主题分类 人文學 > 圖書資訊學
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