The study tested age invariance of the E-Reading Strategy Scale (ERSS) with multi-group structural equation modeling (MG-SEM) to compare age differences among the pupils, junior high, and senior high students in terms of e-reading strategy status. Data collected from Taiwan by stratified random sampling whose final sample size was 3,908, including 1,122 pupils, 1,601 junior high students, and 1,185 senior high students. The theoretical model of ERSS was a four-factor structure (searching and capturing, analyzing and understanding, using and communicating, reflecting and applying) with 11 Likert's scale items. The results showed that the ERSS had good fit index, acceptable reliability and validity. In the tests of invariance, there was factor loading invariance existed between pupils and junior high school students. However, just configuration invariance was existed between junior and senior high school students, and between pupils and senior high school students. The weights of item changed a lot on the junior high school students. In overall, all level student performance well on basic e-reading strategy, but still had much room to improve on advanced e-reading strategy. The results of the study increased the validity of age comparisons of ERSS and its applications. Further results and implications were discussed and proposed.
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