


A Study of the Relationship among Leader-member Exchange, Creative Self-efficacy and Innovative Behavior of the University Librarians




彭于萍(Yu-Ping Peng)


領導者-成員交換關係 ; 創意自我效能 ; 創新行為 ; 創新 ; 大學圖書館館員 ; Leader-member exchange ; Creative self-efficacy ; Innovative behavior ; Innovation ; University librarian




53卷1期(2016 / 01 / 01)


27 - 61






Turbulent changes of the environment have provided huge challenges for advancement of university librarians. University library leaders require librarians to exhibit higher innovation behaviors to keep up with rapidly changing environments. Drawing from two theoretical perspectives in the innovation literature, the efficiency-oriented perspective and the social-political perspective, the study is to examine how a university librarian’s innovative behavior is affected by leader-member exchange (LMX) and creative self-efficacy. The research prepares to conduct a questionnaire survey of university librarians. Based on structural equation modeling of data, this study is to examine the relationships between the above antecedents and moderator of innovative behavior. The finding of this study identified and tested the effects of antecedents and moderator. Results indicated that LMX and creative self-efficacy are positively related to innovative behavior. Findings also indicated that creative self-efficacy was a significant moderator of the relationship between LMX and innovative behavior. Finally, the study provides management recommendations for the librarianship profession.

主题分类 人文學 > 圖書資訊學
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