
Students' Involvement and Community Support for Service Engagement in Online Tutoring






林麗娟(Lih-Juan Chan Lin)


服務學習 ; 社區參與 ; 線上家教 ; 課後教學 ; 高等教育 ; 線上諮詢 ; Service learning ; Community engagement ; Online tutor ; Afterschool teaching ; Higher education ; Online counseling




53卷2期(2016 / 04 / 01)


245 - 268






The use of modern technology has extended beyond the reach of traditional teaching and learning space. In the "Online Tutoring for After-School Learning", college students are involved in online-tutoring to promote children's after-school learning and information literacy in remote areas. The supportive community played a vital role in providing needed counseling to enrich students' service learning experiences. A survey among 184 online tutors (at a university in northern Taiwan) with a set of predetermined questionnaire items was analyzed and compared among tutors with different experience of involvement. Experienced tutors perceived higher level of community engagement in various aspects than newly-recruited, including "understanding of children", "service action", "self-discipline and responsibility", "interaction", and "positive value to serve". The qualitative assessment indicated the need of counseling from supportive community to nurture college students’ positive attitude toward service work.

主题分类 人文學 > 圖書資訊學
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