


Romanization of Referencing Styles for Arts & Humanities Science Journals in Taiwan




林瑺慧(Chang-Huei Lin);邱炯友(Jeong-Yeou Chiu)


引用文獻羅馬化 ; 學術期刊 ; 引文格式規範 ; Romanization of citation ; Scholarly journal ; Referencing styles




53卷3期(2016 / 11 / 01)


389 - 420




本研究以APA、Chicago以及MLA等三大學術寫作規範為基礎,探討學術寫作規範對於引用非英文語種之文獻(特別是中文文獻)所規定的引用格式與核心理念,並以TSSCI、THCI Core、A&HCI、SSCI及Scopus所收錄之47種已進行中文引用文獻羅馬化期刊為研究標的。分析台灣人文社會學期刊出版單位所公布之稿約及徵稿規則(notes for contributors),以及實際已進行中文引用文獻羅馬化之狀況,並對照三大學術寫作規範,具體提出中文學術文章引用文獻羅馬化之通則建議。根據研究結果所提出之結論及建議如下:三大學術寫作規範的改版、學術期刊出版單位詳細訂定稿約中引用文獻羅馬化相關規則及範例、國際引文資料庫主動制訂及提供引用文獻羅馬化之著錄規則、政府及大型學術機構主動倡議輔導,並制定中文文獻羅馬化之準則以及維繫中文資料拼音標準之一致性。


Based on Big Three referecing styles guides, namely APA, Chicago (Turabian) and MLA Style, this study discusses the citation formats in which have been applied and specified for scholarly references in non-English languages, especially in Chinese language scholarly writing. This study targets on those Taiwan journals, indexed by TSSCI, THCI Core, A&HCI, SSCI and Scopus, that use the Romanization of references in Chinese journal. By analyzing their notes for contributors and the real situation of application in the Chinese cited works. In respect of the aforementioned three major referencing styles and the rules made by journals themselves, the findings are as follows: the APA, Chicago, and MLA Styles should be revised according to the practical needs of citing non-English references; academic journal publishers need to specify and provide the guidelines and templates of romanizing references in respect of contributed articles; international citation index databases providers should stipulate and provide their description style for romanizing references, and the government and major academic institutes should put more efforts to assist local scholarly journals to cope with the reference romanization problems, even at promoting a kind of consistent Pinyin principle for referencing styles for Chinese journal publishing in Taiwan.

主题分类 人文學 > 圖書資訊學
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