


Exploring Collaborative Health Promotion Services between Public Health Centers and Public Libraries




胡彤琦(Tung-Chi Hu);張郁蔚(Yu-Wei Chang)


衛生所 ; 公共圖書館 ; 健康促進服務 ; 健康資訊服務 ; Public health center ; Public library ; Health promotion services ; Health information services




54卷3期(2017 / 11 / 01)


269 - 304






The increasing mortality rate of chronic diseases leads to that the World Health Organization advocates the concept of health promotion aiming to correct people's health awareness and behavior and enhance their public health self-control via use of correct health information and educational activities. Among various types of institution in communities, public health centers provide local health promotion services and public libraries are responsible for improving people's public health information literacy. Because public health centers do not understand the roles of public libraries, and vise versa, no collaborations have been built between them to strengthen health promotion services. The findings of this study showed that public health centers have actively cooperated with various types of institutions, based on interviews with 5 community nurses and 6 librarians. Public libraries have not promoted health information services. A supplementary relationship was found to exist between public health centers and public libraries according to their advantages and disadvantages. In addition, public health centers and public libraries were willing to cooperate to improve health promotion services. A propose consisting of three aspects was formed for policy makers.

主题分类 人文學 > 圖書資訊學
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