


An Application of ePUB3 eBooks to the Design and Teaching of Flipped 'Applied Writing' Courses: An Example of 'Abstract Writing'




蔡娉婷(Tina Pingting Tsai);許慶昇(Chingsheng Hsu);林至中(Jyhjong Lin)


寫作教學 ; 翻轉學習 ; 課程設計 ; ePUB3電子書 ; 準實驗研究法 ; 教學評量 ; Writing teaching ; Flipped learning ; Lesson design ; ePUB3 eBook ; Quasi-experimental study ; Teaching assessment




56卷1期(2019 / 03 / 01)


69 - 105






In this paper, we explore the application of a newly introduced ePUB3 eBook technique on the flipped learning of writing courses and hence present a flipped lesson design process that specifies the lesson plan and curricular contents with ePUB3 functions used in learning activities for delivering desired contents. For illustration, the process is practically applied on the "Abstract Writing" unit of a Chinese "Application Writing" course in a local university. For assessment, a quasi-experimental study on the control analysis of experimental and control groups and its accompanied questionnaires and interviews is conduced to verify the effectiveness and students' favors of applying flipped learning and ePUB3 eBooks on the academic Chinese "Application Writing" courses. The research results show that the proposed design process for writing courses, through the application of flipped learning and ePUB3 eBooks, can improve the effectiveness of students' learning in abstract writing. Further, students also advocate using this approach in their learning.

主题分类 人文學 > 圖書資訊學
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