
Using Visual Methods to Explore How Students in Information-Related Fields Express the Concept of "Information"






蔡天怡(Tien-I Tsai)


Visual methods ; Information science ; College students ; Information ; 視覺方法 ; 資訊科學 ; 大學生 ; 資訊




56卷3期(2019 / 11 / 01)


271 - 295




This study used a visual method to explore how 219 undergraduate and master's students in library and information science, information management, and computer science perceive the concept of "information" through drawing and writing. Through content analysis, the researcher examined the elements and meanings appeared in the participant-drawn pictures, namely, the iSquares. The findings showed that while types of iSquares are somewhat similar among students from different fields of study, the elements used to express the concept of information are quite different. The complexity of the compositions and the perspectives are also different. Students in library and information science tend to use more complex compositions, and include the image of people and print materials as elements in their iSquares. They tend to use various metaphors to express the concept of information, and address issues related to uncertainty, information seeking process, or information hierarchy. In contrast, students in information management tend to address issues related to big data, and students in the computer science tend to present the concept of information with a relatively simple composition including tools and equipment. Based on the findings, the current study provides pedagogical and research suggestions.



主题分类 人文學 > 圖書資訊學
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