


Design of Interoperability in Digital Humanities: A Case Study of the Interpretation and Restoration of the Han Dynasty Wooden Slips From Edsen-Gol




陳淑君(Shu-Jiun Chen)


互通性 ; 數位人文學 ; 知識本體 ; 國際圖像互通架構 ; Interoperability ; Digital humanities ; Ontologies ; International Image Interoperability Framework ; IIIF




58卷2期(2021 / 07 / 01)


193 - 235






This study explores the use of ontologies and the International Image Interoperability Framework (IIIF) in digital humanities from the perspective of interoperability. Focusing on imaged texts, it takes as its case study the text interpretation and slip restoration of the "Juyan Han Wooden Slips," integrating the demands of humanities scholars in wooden slip research, and exploring and establishing the basic tasks, scholarly primitives, and interoperability mechanisms of this digital environment. The study first determines historical researchers' basic procedure when investigating wooden slips, and discerns 10 functional primitives for these scholarly activities. It then proposes "Wooden Slip Research Ontologies" composed of interrelated "Wooden Slip," "Chinese Character," and "Annotation" ontologies to support digital wooden slip research and enable the cross-institutional search for Chinese characters. Finally, the integration of the Wooden Slip Dictionary and the Multi-database Search System for Historical Chinese Characters demonstrates how interoperable design applies to digital humanities image platforms.

主题分类 人文學 > 圖書資訊學
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