The core task of academic librarians are to support academic research. The recruitment for the following librarians' positions including scholarly communication librarians, research data management librarians, and digital scholarship librarians is popular in American academic libraries. Few university libraries provide in-depth digital scholarship services in Taiwan. In order to learn experiential knowledge about digital scholarship services of American academic libraries, qualitative interviews were applied in this research. The interviewees include four scholarly communication librarians, three research data management librarians, two digital scholarship librarians. The research results were stated as the following items: core job descriptions, multiple skills including communication and challenges, the personal traits of good librarians and their passion, the roles and tasks in digital age. Several suggestions were provided in this study, including prioritizing tasks for future work, proposing plans for most challenging works, flexible organizational structure, and developing librarians' competencies and skills. The research results are helpful to propose a plan for the practical work required of digital scholarship professionals and services in university libraries in Taiwan.
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