
Utilization of Degree Theses: An Analysis of Taiwan's Copyright Act and Academic Ethics






Mei-Lien Hsueh(薛美蓮);Chien Chou(周倩)


Copyright Act ; Academic ethics ; Degree theses ; Thesis advisor ; Self-plagiarism ; 著作權法 ; 學術倫理 ; 學位論文 ; 指導教授 ; 自我抄襲




61卷3期(2024 / 11 / 01)


309 - 337




According to Taiwan's Degree Conferral Act, completing a thesis, with few exceptions, is necessary to obtain a master's or doctoral degree. Traditional master's or doctoral theses are publicly available but unpublished documents, which raises questions regarding their use. Specifically, can these theses be reused? Who can reuse them? If reused, how should they be utilized to avoid violations of the Copyright Act and academic ethics? Cases handled by the Ministry of Education, the National Science and Technology Council, and the courts of Taiwan have laid bare disputes between students and advisors over the appropriate use of thesis materials. This article explored five scenarios in which thesis materials may be reused: 1. Reuse of one's own thesis materials in books or journal (conference) articles; 2. teachers submitting their doctoral theses or journal articles based on their doctoral theses as representative works for the accreditation of teacher qualifications; 3. incorporation of one's own thesis materials into National Science and Technology Council research proposals or reports; 4. incorporation of student thesis materials by academic advisors into National Science and Technology Council research proposals or reports; and 5. academic advisors including the content of student theses in journal (conference) articles with the student as co-authors. This article provides guidance to the academic community on how thesis materials can be lawfully and ethically utilized to contribute to human knowledge innovation.



主题分类 人文學 > 圖書資訊學
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