


Dongfang Shuo vs. Yang Xiong: Two Types of Traditional Intellectuals Who Sought "Reclusion in the Court" (Chao yin)




方介(Fang Chieh)


朝隱 ; 素餐 ; 狂者 ; 狷者 ; 倡優 ; reclusion in the court chaoyin ; hold a sinecure position sucan ; overact one's true self kuang ; underact one's true self juan ; court jester




27期(2007 / 12 / 01)


33 - 70






Dongfang Shuo and Yang Xiong were both intellectuals who served in the Western Han Dynasty as low ranking officials. Yet in terms of the way they behaved in political life, Yang, who lived at a time when the Dynasty was in decline, was different from Dongfang, who lived during the heyday of the Dynasty. Yang's comment in Fa Yan (Words of Measure) on Dongfang's ”reclusion in the court” (chaoyin) reflects precisely such difference in their thought and behavior. This paper examines their lives and writings and points out that Dongfang appeared in a comic guise in the court of Emperor Wu. He concealed his true self by ”overacting” and making fun of the emperor and officials. Although he tried to stimulate the emperor into thoughtful reflection, he was simply treated as a court jester and never truly appreciated. In contrast, Yang kept his opinions to himself and concealed his true self by ”underacting” during the reigns of Emperor Cheng and Wang Mang. He stayed out of political struggles and focused on his writings, yet he was still forced to leap off a tower and sing the praise of the Xin Dynasty, for which he was ridiculed by later intellectuals. Both Dongfang and Yang faced predicaments that brought them humiliation. However, they were able to stay alive and eventually enjoyed great fame by expressing the ”tao” in their words and writings. For this reason, they are seen as models of ”eclusion in the court”. By examining their experiences, we gain a deeper understanding into this chaoyin phenomenon which was unique to traditional Chinese intellectuals.

主题分类 人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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