


An Investigation on the Meanings of Xue Pan's Role in the Dream of The Red Chamber




李天祥(Tian-Xiang Li)


紅樓夢 ; 薛蟠 ; 賈寶玉 ; 薛寶釵 ; 陰陽 ; The Dream of the Red Chamber ; Xue Pan ; Jia Bao-yu ; Xue Bao-chai ; yin-yang




28期(2008 / 06 / 01)


139 - 176




在《紅樓夢》的研究中,薛蟠一向乏人注目,一般評論或將其與其他紈袴子弟合而論述,斥責其惡行劣跡,未見其個人明顯特質,或視其爲丑角,而忽略了作者對此一角色含藏了極大的巧思與苦心。 深受魏晉名士思想影響,崇尚自然的曹雪芹,在薛蟠的角色中寄寓了「率真」的思想,和賈寶玉一樣具有其類似性的意義,但是在「情」、「欲」的特質中,他和賈寶玉有不同的表現,如此在率真的角色意義上,又和賈寶玉形成陽陰的對比,暗寓倒轉中國傳統「氣性論」「貴陽而賤陰」的傳統。他除了和賈府諸紈袴形成對照,更和薛寶釵的禮教典型分別有「相互對待的態度-率直現真與規謹內斂」、「內在性格的對顯-熱與冷」的對比。而其所具有的「情悟」經驗,正襯托出寶玉在塵世「情悟」歷程,故此一角色,其實具有極特殊的意義。


In the studies of The Dream of the Red Chamber, Xue Pan has rarely been noticed. Some critics regard him as a playboy, blaming his misbehaviors and neglecting his unique characteristics, whereas others see him as a c1own. Both views ignore the author's great intention behind this character. This paper suggests that as in the case of Jia Bao-yu, Cao Xue-qin also portrays Xue Pan in line with his idea of ”naturalness” (shuaizhen). Accordingly the two characters occupy a simi1ar place in the vision of the novel. However, in their attitudes toward affection and desire, Xue and Jia are very different. Cao depicts this difference by invoking the contrast between yang (embodied in Xue) and yin (embodied in Jia), thus presenting an implicit reversal of the traditional qi-based doctrine of human nature which praises yang over yin. Apart from serving as a contrast to other playboys in the novel, Xue Pan also stands in sharp contrast to Xue Baochai: while the former is marked by his genuineness toward other people and his warm temperament, the latter is noted for her conformism and cool temperament. Finally, Xue Pan's enlightening experience in the realm of affections (qingwu) offers great illuminations on the unfolding processes of Jia Bao-yu's similar enlightenment. This suggests that Xue indeed assumes a highly significant role in The Dream of the Red Chamber.

主题分类 人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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