


The Features of Imperial Scholarship on the Yijing: Explored Through the Daily Lectures on the Yi




楊自平(Tzu-Ping Yang)


日講易經解義 ; 康熙 ; 經世致用 ; 殿堂經學 ; 易學 ; Daily Lectures on the Yi ; Kangxi Emperor ; practical statesmanship ; imperial scholarship on the Confucian classics ; Yijing learning




28期(2008 / 06 / 01)


93 - 137






Daily Lectures on the Yi was an important work of imperial scholarship on the Yijing during the reign of the Kangxi Emperor. Most scholars have regarded imperial scholarship as a means of political governance. Focusing on the Daily Lectures, this study aims to unveil the general characteristics and the importance of the same type of scholar1y works. The Daily Lectures was compi1ed by lecturers of the Classics Colloquium for the Kangxi Emperor to expound the phi1osophy of Yijing. Before giving in-depth interpretation, the lecturer had to lay out the main idea of the lecture, the content of which had to incorporate the ideal of practical statesmanship (jingshi zhiyong). The Dai1y Lectures interprets the Yijingin a holistic manner, through a close association of the images of hexagrams (guaxiang) with guaci and yaoci. It views each gua as not only representing a particular real-life situation, but also dictating a corresponding way of proper behaviors and actions. In interpreting the philosophy of the Yijing, the Dai1y Lectures stresses both the notion of praising yang over yin, and the notion of yin-yang mutual complement. Accordingly, while emphasizing the importance of distinguishing the junzi (noble man) from the xiaojen (mean man), it also preaches the necessity to combine gang (tough-mindedness) with jou (tender-mindedness). Having finished his learning of the Yijing, in return the Kangxi Emperor was expected to offer his own interpretation to his officials and then put what he had learned into practice. Through a close investigation on the Daily Lectures, this study shows that imperial scholarship of the Qing is distinguished by its achievement in classics studies as well as by its emphasis on the ideal of practical statesmanship. The study also indicates that the Dialy Lectures, albeit a work of imperial scholarship of the past, still holds some value and relevance for present-day modem society.

主题分类 人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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