


Chuan-shan's Criticism on "Particular Cures to Particular Ills" in His Interpretation of the Analects




徐聖心(Sheng-Hsin Hsu)


王夫之 ; 方以智 ; 讀四書大全說 ; 東西均 ; 應病予藥 ; Wang Fu-Zhi ; Fang I-Zhi ; particular curcs to particular ills ; synthcsis of thc thrcc tcachings




29期(2008 / 12 / 01)


193 - 220




本文討論三教會通中具有重要意義的「應病予藥」說,分別以王夫之和方以智爲準,呈現兩種詮釋觀點、模式的差異。方氏說散見於著作中關於「藥病」說法;船山則以其《論語》詮釋中對「應病予藥」說之反駁爲主。兩說各有其成立之依據,也各能將其觀點推至窮盡周延。 應病予藥或藥病說,在其譬喻與引用有幾個轉折:本出於佛教之贊佛、菩薩,而後來更爲儒者取用以稱譽儒學教法,更進而用以指孔子之教法,再進而以此會通三教,其爲喻似可普適廣用。但船山、密之二人均能別出新解,非僅止於援陳說爲典要之學舌而已。方以智用力於藥病說各種模式之建立,使其成爲全面性的教法。如方以智由「統而用之」原則,立藥病說之諸義;並歸結於集大成,以成就真正的「應病予藥」,乃包括著應機的隨宜性,與涵蓋眾機的全面性,深化「應病予藥」說的意涵,並補充一般見解之不足,試圖救治「藥→病」實踐過程已見的種種偏蔽。然而船山則在辨破「病」的真實性之後,更進而據此義著力於批判,不斷披露「藥病喻」預設論點之謬誤,尤以二元對立觀點爲首,申明其顯非孔子所持。實際上,不論就日常生活言,就教法之圓融言,以及概念自身之關係言,均不存在「非此即彼」的簡陋關係。船山以孔子實際教法爲例,說明即使弟子明顯有偏病,其引導方式仍是徹上徹下的教法,非僅適於一時一地一人之權法,並不是專對住人之偏病立教,確然別有特殊心行與教法。 二人在肯否的意向上雖絕不同,但仍可考察其共通處,大抵有四點可說:一、均能居於後設觀點,或思考「藥病」說成立必備之體系,或解構「應病予藥」說之底據;二、基於後設觀點重審此說之際,又同時說明「人的負面性」並非如「病」,不可視爲真實的現象。簡言之,即同時戡破病的規實性。若病具有真實性或負面真實,則其針對性的滅絕乃必然之舉,而藥/病間亦絕無易位可能。三、皆將儒學論「中」之特殊意義,作爲解決/說明藥病說的最終教法,雖則雙方之應用略有差異,仍不害其慧識之相近。四、皆歸宗孔子。再將此議題,歸宿至聖人教法之所是,即最高教法型態的思索。


This article discusses the theory of ”particular cures to particular ills”-a very significant component in the synthesis of the three teachings, and highlights the anti-theses between the two perspectives and models represented by Wang Fu-Zhi and Fang I-Zhi to interpret this theory. Fang's view is reflected by his opinions on ”cure and ill” in his works; Wang's antithesis to the theory of ”particular cures to particular ills” can primarily be found in his interpretation of the Analects. There are some turning points in the simile and use of the theory of ”cure and ill” or ”particular cures to particular ills”: this theory originated in Buddhism; it was later adopted by Confucianists, and was finally applied to the synthesis of the three teachings. Both Wang and Fang not only cite it as a scholarly source, but also come up with new interpretations. Fang focuses on establishing various models to explain the theory of cure and ill, making it a general teaching. Fang, for example, creates the principle of ”unifying before utilizing”, and concludes that both flexibility and generality are present in the theory. Fang's insight deepens and supplements previous understanding on this theory. Wang, on the other hand, after collapsing the reality of ”ill”, points out the errors of the hypothesis of cure and ill, especially and primarily the binary. Wang's reason is that the binary is not the viewpoint held by Confucius, and that the cure-ill relationship should and could not be simplified as an either-or relationship. Wang takes Confucius' practical teachings as an example, explaining that although individual disciples may have bias, Confucius' way to guide his students still remains the same, i.e., his guidance is essentially based on the general teachings. Though there are differences between Fang's and Wang's perspectives, they nevertheless share four points in common: 1. Both the two take a meta-perspective to ponder the system necessary for the theory of ”cure and ill” or to deconstruct the basis of the theory of ”particular cures to particular ills”. 2. While reviewing the theory with meta-perspective, they also collapse the reality of ills, and thus argue that it is possible for cure and ill to exchange their position. 3. They both adhere to the characteristic principle of ”moderation” in Confucian discourse and apply it as the ultimate teaching to amend and explain the theory, though there are little differences in their approaches. 4. They both not only trace back to Confucius' teachings, but also see the origin of this topic in a common ground among all the sages' teachings, i.e., the meditation on the model of ultimate teachings.

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