


A New Explanation of "the King Need Not Follow Suit!" from the Chu Bamboo Slips of the Warring States Period Collected in the Shanghai Museum (Volume 7)




周鳳五(Feng-Wu Chou)


上博七 ; 白玉三回 ; 雙關 ; Chu Bamboo Slips of thc Warring Statcs Pcriod Collcctcd in thc Shanghai Muscum Volumc 7 ; thc king has thrcc picccs of jadc thc sizc of thrcc pcrimctcr units thrcc mistakcs akin to that of flaws in jadc ; doublc cntcndrc




30期(2009 / 06 / 01)


51 - 68






There are two versions (the A and B version) of ”The King Need Not Follow Suit!” from the Chu Bamboo Slips of the Warring States Period Collected in the Shanghai Museum (Volume 7). Nine bamboo strips exist for each version and the two versions have been preserved extremely well. The text of ”The King Need Not Follow Suit!” describes the story of the Chu official Fan Wu's admonition of King Zhao of Chu. Fan Wu uses a double entendre: ”the king has three pieces of jade the size of three perimeter units (i.e. three very large pieces of jade)” or ”the king has three mistakes akin to that of flaws in jade” to lead into his main point and admonition. Fan Wu's word choice is clever and he is meticulous in his argument, and the style of the text is very much like that of the Records of the Warring States. The following article presents the author's personal opinions as to explanations of difficult to understand words in ”The King Need Not Follow Suit” The annotations of the bamboo strips take the A version as the more accurate version, but also consider the B version. The discussion of difficult to understand words is taken point by point with explanations given for every individual point.

主题分类 人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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