This paper investigates the interchangeable characters in certain Chu bamboo slips of Guodian and Shangbo and the rhyming phenomena of some poetry from ancient time, and, by doing so, tries to clarify some questions about the rhyme system in the Archaic Chinese with the help of the stratum analysis in historical linguistics. This paper shows that a study of the interchangeable characters in these texts can help to solve some longstanding problems concerning the interchangeability of characters and rhyme merger. This paper will specifically discuss the interchangeability of characters from the nasal-ended rhyme division. The primary conclusion of this paper is that the interchangeability of different divisions and rhyme merger are the result of convergence of readings from different strata. A reading stratum can reflect a time period, an area, or a historical change. The interchangeability of different divisions and rhyme merger indicates that the rhyme divisions zhen (真) Wen (文), Doug (冬), Geng (耕) Zeng (蒸) and Qin (侵) should have a low vowel stratum. The switch of the vowel/stop-ended rhymes and the nasal-ended rhymes that occurs in the interchangeable characters and rhyme merger arises from a nasalized rhyme stratum.