


Liu Shi-pei's Li Jing Jiu Shuo (禮經舊說): Writing Intent and Interpretive Issues




葉國良(Kuo-Liang Yeh)


劉師培 ; 廖平 ; 禮經舊說 ; 今古文 ; Liu Shi-pci ; Liao Ping ; Li Jing Jiu Shuo ; contcmporary litcraturc and ancicnt litcraturc




31期(2009 / 12 / 01)


243 - 268




劉師培(1884-1919),繼承儀徵劉氏的家學,著述豐富。其中以標榜研究群經古注古說以及校勘先秦漢代諸子書爲最多,正是家學擅長者。值得也意的是,劉師培自言入川(1911)後精力貫注在《三禮》之上,著有《禮經舊說》、《周禮古注集疏》等。本文研究其中的《禮經舊說》。 劉氏入川後鑽研《三禮》,應是受到廖平影響,但著作宗旨與研究取徑不同,動機當在讓世人從另一個角度認識禮學。劉氏所謂「舊說」,指鄭玄以前經師的經說而言,乃關於《儀禮》此類著述的開創之作。此書除整理「舊說」外,區分今、古文而無門戶之見,且提出個人對《儀禮》疑難問題的見解。 本文主要內容,除表揚劉氏研究《儀禮》的態度與取徑外,陳述劉氏對疑難問題的見解,但也提出若干質疑。


Liu Shi-pei (1884-1919) continued his family's heritage of literary endeavors and excelled at it, leaving the world with an abundance of scholarly contributions. Most of his research focused on ancient annotations and explanations of the Chinese classics, as well as the collation of philosophical writings from the Pre-Qin and Han eras. According to Liu's own account, after he moved to Sichuan in 1911, where he completed a number of important books, and channeled most of his vital energies into the study of the San Li (Three Books of Rites) in his work Li Jing Jiu Shuo (Ancient Discourses on the Classic of Rites), the subject of this paper. Liu's intensive study of the San Li must be due in part to the influence of Liao Ping, but his main purpose and approach diverged from Liao's; Liu aimed to introduce the world to the study of rites and ceremony from a different angle. His so-called 'ancient discourses' (jiu shuo) refer to groundbreaking explanations of Yi Li (Book of Etiquette and Ceremonial) from before the time of Zheng Xuan (an early compiler and commentator of the Yi Li). In Li Jing Jiu Shuo, Liu not only lays out these ancient discourses, distinguishing contemporary and ancient views of Yi Li without scholarly prejudice; he also offers his own interpretive perspective on some problems in the Yi Li. This paper, while approving of Liu's attitude and approach in his study, will also pose challenges and questions vis-à-vis his interpretation.

主题分类 人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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