


Qing Scholars' Study and Interpretation of "Revenge" in the "Rites" Canons




李隆獻(Long-Shien Lee)


復仇 ; 復仇觀 ; 禮書 ; 禮/法衝突 ; 乾嘉考據學 ; Revenge ; Rites canon ; conflict between li and fa ; Qian-Jia kaoju xue




35期(2011 / 12 / 01)


205 - 246






Classicists in the pre-Qin, Han, Six Dynasties, Sui, Tang, and Song Dynasties have long treated the issue of revenge in the Rites canon, but their interpretations diverged slightly from their predecessors'. However, breaking the relative silence on the issue in the Yuan-Ming period, Qing scholars broke new ground with their innovative interpretations. This paper is organized into the following three parts: A. The interpretation of revenge in the Rites canon by early Qing scholars: Wang Fu-zhi endorses the idea of ”conflict resolution” outlined in the ”Tiaoren” section of Zhouli's ”Diguan” chapter. Instead of accepting Song scholars' treatment of revenge as wrongdoing, Wang returns to embrace Kong Yingda's and Jiagong Yan's idea of ”amnesty” for avengers. Hui Shi-qi, for his part, opens up new interpretations to resolve the contradictions regarding revenge presented in the Zhouli and the Two Dai's Liji. B. The interpretation of revenge in the Rites canon by scholars in the Qinding Santi yishu (Imperial subcommentaries on the Three Rites). In the first year ofQianlong's reign (1736), the emperor opened the ”Sanli Academy” and ordered the compilation of subcommentaries on the Three Rites to standardize official interpretations. Participating in the beginnings of a new scholastic culture in the Qianlong and Jiaqing reigns, scholars authoring and editing the Qinding Zhouguan yishu (Imperial subcommentaries on the Zhou Rites) took a mostly philological approach to the interpretations of the language, institutions, and objects in the text. But authors and editors of the Qinding Liji yishu (Imperial subcommentaries on the Book of Rites) largely followed and supplemented the interpretations of Song classicists, who had sought to harmonize the views toward revenge in the Gongyang tradition and Zhouli. These two imperial compilations represent quite different modes of interpretation with regard to the issue of revenge. C. The interpretation of revenge in the Rites canon by scholars of the Qianlong and Jiaqing reigns: Scholars of this period devoted themselves to the linguistic and philological study of the texts as their predecessors had done for the Qinding Zhouguan yishu. Taking part in this general scholastic trend, Jiang Yong, Wang Yinzhi, Yu Yue, and Sun Yirang departed from the focus of Song scholars on the ethical implications of the conflict between li (ritual) and fa (legalism). They preferred instead to apply philological rigor to their study of texts. This paper concludes with a broad survey of the interpretations of revenge in the Rites canon from the Han period onward, summing up the development of such scholarly views and methodologies across time.

主题分类 人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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