


Elias Canetti's Discourse on Confucius




張堯欽(Yau-Chin Chang)


卡內提 ; 孔子 ; 論語 ; 喪禮 ; 祭禮 ; Canetti ; Confucius ; Analects of Confucius ; funeral rites ; sacrifical rites




35期(2011 / 12 / 01)


247 - 287






This thesis presents the mode and the purpose of Elias Canetti's discourse upon Confucius in his notes and his essay ”Confucius in his Analects.” Canetti absorbs Confucianism and applies his perception of Confucius's thoughts to the European issues he is concerned, especially the connection between the masses and power. In the first part of the thesis, the author lists the characteristics of Canetti's thinking in comparison with Confucianism. In the second part, the author translates the whole text of ”Confucius in his Analects,” finds out and the sections in the Analects that Canetti takes as his theory base, and comments on Canetti's interpretation of Confucianism. The conclusion indicates that the image of Confucius presented in Canetti's essay is not complete, for his intention is not to introduce Confucius but to elucidate his own theory about death and power.

主题分类 人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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