Wang Nian-Sun is an outstanding Qing scholar of textual criticism and semantics; his studies on pre-Qin, Qin and Han ancient texts have been widely acknowledged and adopted by scholars to this day. However many people investigate the great scholar's studies, the research materials so far have been limited to the ones that have been published, such as the ”Guangyashuzheng” and the ”Dushuzazhi”. This paper introduces Wang's block-printed edition of the ”Guanzi”, which is one of his collated works preserved in the Shanghai Library now, and compares it with his ”Guanzizazhi”. It is found that 344 entries of the book are not included in the ”Guanzizazhi”, which makes a complete review necessary. Taking the full contents of the newly discovered materials into account, this paper attempts to evaluate the work's significance in textual criticism and semantics. As a first-hand material, this reliable edition helps readers to comprehend the ”Guanzi” and Yin Zhi-Zhang's annotations and to research into Wang's scholarship of the ”Guanzi” more accurately.