


Literary Genealogy and Cultural Adaptations of the Victorian "Dream of the Red Chamber": Late Qing Translated Novel "Hongleiying"




潘少瑜(Shaw-Yu Pan)


《朵拉.索恩》 ; 《紅淚影》 ; 《乳姉妹》 ; 《紅樓夢》 ; 文化譯寫 ; "Dora Thorne" ; "Hongleiying" ; "Chikyôdai" ; "Dream ofthe Red Chamber" ; cultural adaptation




39期(2012 / 12 / 01)


247 - 294






In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, great inspirations and challenges are brought to local cultural brokers in Eastern Asia by the wide circulation of Victorian dime novels, one of which is ”Dora Thorne” (1883) written by Victorian popular literature writer Bertha Clay. By tracing its circuitous travel to Meiji Japan and late Qing China, this paper presents the literary genealogy of its translated version, Chen Mei-Qing's ”Hongleiying” (1909) and analyzes the cultural adaptations in the travel of the text and their implied meanings. The ”Hongleiying” is apparently influenced by ”Dora Thorne” and Kikuchi Yuho's adaptation ”Chikyodai” (1903); however, a more important issue of Chen's version is its imitation of Cao Xue-Qin's masterpiece ”Dream of the Red Chamber”. Intriguingly, the Chinese classical novel serves here as the mediation between Chinese and Western cultures that helps Chen to create his own ”Victorian” narrative. Moreover, the numerous enlightenment topics discussed in the ”Hongleiying” shape this novel into a model of xinxiaoshuo ”new fiction” that Liang Qi-Chao promotes in his enthusiastic essays. Late Qing literati's imaginations and representations of the Western world are formed by absorbing and transforming foreign texts and by appropriating traditional Chinese novels. It is also in this manner that the ”Dream of the Red Chamber”'s significance and classicality are strongly confirmed once more.

主题分类 人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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