


A Reinvestigation of Dang's Modal and Future Meanings Developing from Old to Middle Chinese




巫雪如(Hsueh-Ju Wu)


當 ; 情態動詞 ; 未來時標記 ; 上古漢語 ; 中古漢語 ; dang ; modal verb ; future marker ; Old Chinese ; Middle Chinese




46期(2014 / 09 / 01)


87 - 141






Dang(當) is an important modal verb in Old and Middle Chinese that expresses epistemic and deontic modality and also a future marker that locates a situation posterior to a time. Since dang has similar functions as some modals and future markers in cross-linguistic studies, the semantic development of dang is often explained with cross-linguistic studies' hypotheses that both epistemic modality and futurity are developed from deontic modality. However, the unidirectional hypotheses have been challenged in recent years. This paper reinvestigates the development of dang's modal and future meanings by examining its usages in Old and Middle Chinese texts, and concludes that dang's various meanings in different contexts originate from different meanings of the full verb dang. Though distinct from existent cross-linguistic studies, this conclusion demonstrates the features of modal verbs and future markers in Old Chinese.

主题分类 人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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