


Comments on the Key Elements of Zhou De-Qing's Construction of Metrical Patterns of Qupai in the Northern Traditional Opera




李惠綿(Li Huei-Mian)


周德清 ; 北曲 ; 曲牌格律 ; 《中原音韻》 ; 〈作詞十法〉 ; Zhou De-Qing ; Northern traditional opera ; metrical patterns of qupai ; Zhongyuan Yinyun ; "Zuoci Shi Fa"




54期(2016 / 09 / 01)


101 - 158






Zhou De-Qing's (1277-1365) Zhongyuan Yinyun (1324) includes "Rhyming Groups" (Yunpu hereafter) and "Zhengyu Zuo Ci Qili" (Qili hereafter). Among the twenty-seven guidelines of Qili, the last one "Zuoci Shi Fa" 'ten rules of lyric composition' introduces classical discourses of creation theory in the beiqu 'Northern traditional opera.' The tenth rule is considered a meaningful initiative in the history of Chinese Traditional Opera. The ten rules refer to zhiyun 'knowing rhymes,' zaoyu 'creating language,' yongshi 'the use of events,' yongzi 'the use of words,' rusheng zuo pingsheng 'using entering tone as level tone,' yin and yang, wutou 'the most euphonic sentence/word/tune,' duiou 'antithesis,' moju 'the last sentence,' and dingge 'freeze.' All rules are related to metrical patterns of qupai 'names of qu's tunes' except yongshi. Moju lists tonal patterns while dingge adds comments on forty pieces and, based on the tonal patterns marked on qu, thus becomes the prototype of qupu, the predecessor of Taihe Zhengyinpu in the Ming. Zhou's theories on the examples of qupai are fragmental, but highly valued. After being summarized, his work has established the structures and metrical patterns of Beiqu, and thus should be given credit for his macroscopic and microcosmic points of views on the investigations into qupai. The key elements of Zhou De-Qing's construction of metrical patterns of qupai are "jushu 'metrical patterns of numbers of sentences,' zishu 'numbers of regular words,'chenzi 'numbers of additional words,' shengdiao pingzhe 'level and oblique tones,' the last sentences, shousha 'end and pause,' xieyun 'harmonization,' the most euphonic sentence/word/tune, and antithesis." Based on the extant Yuan opera, this article analyzes Zhou De-Qing's construction of metrical patterns in the Northern traditional opera and comments on the advantages and disadvantages of his work and his influence on later scholars.

主题分类 人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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