


The Kulapati Image of Su Shi and the Ekavyuha-Samadhi




蕭麗華(Hsiao Li-Hua)


蘇軾 ; 居士文化 ; 一行三昧 ; 文殊法門 ; 《維摩詰經》 ; Su Shi ; kulapati culture ; ekavyuha-samadhi ; Manjusri dharma practice ; Vimalakirtinirdesa Sutra




54期(2016 / 09 / 01)


59 - 100






The kulapati 'lay Buddhist' culture was flourished by the spread of the Vimalakirtinirdesa Sutra (also known as the Weimojiejing) and reached its peak in the Song dynasty. It is interesting how the struggle between secularity and monasticism is solved with the Vimalakirtinirdesa image. Master Yin-Shun (12 March 1906 - 4 June 2005) believes that the Vimalakirtinirdesa Sutra belongs to the Manjusri dharma practice. Inspired by this, the author examines the kulapati image from the perspective of ekavyuha-samadhi 'meditative consciousness of one practice' and looks for kulapati practices that follow the purpose of the Vimalakirtinirdesa Sutra. Su Shi (8 January 1037 - 24 August 1101) learned from Master Zhao-Jue of the Huanglong Branch of the Linji School and received a formal confirmation from Master Fo-Yin (1032~1098) of the Yunmen School. He usually wore a patched robe and attended daily ceremonies with a samghati under his court dress. This shows his efforts and persistence in carrying out the practice of ekavyuha-samadhi. According to the investigation of this study, Su Shi's practice of ekavyuha-samadhi was accomplished through the practice of the prajna thoughts in Huayen Buddhism and Zen Buddhism. On this account, this study first explores the dharma practice of ekavyuha-samadhi in the prajna thoughts and identifies that Su Shi's practice of ekavyuha-samadhi was a part of the emptiness observation in the prajna thoughts. It then scrutinizes Su Shi's life and thought, reveals how he realizes ekavyuha-samadhi, and finally confirms with his poetry his realization from the Vimalakirtinirdesa Sutra that "the secular and the sacred are equal." Su Shi's writings on the Vimalakirtinirdesa Sutra show his kulapati image of Vimalakirtinirdesa in the Song dynasty. He realized its significance through the practice of the Vimalakirtinirdesa Sutra and achieved the state of liberation with abhijna-vikurvana in the mortal world. His most profound realization of Vimalakirtinirdesa image is about the following two (a) "Vimalakirtinirdesa's illness is gone when the secular is well" and (b) "The heavenly immortal disperses petals." Indeed, Su Shi is the best example of kulapati practitioners.

主题分类 人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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