


On "Duke Dao of Jin Restored Hegemony"




李隆獻(Lee, Long-Shien)


晉悼公 ; 春秋局勢 ; 《左傳》 ; 《國語》 ; 《史記》 ; Duke Dao of Jin ; situations in the Spring and Autumn Period ; Commentary of Zuo ; Discourses of the States ; Records of the Grand Historian




57期(2017 / 06 / 01)


105 - 107+109-162






The descriptions Jin Dao fu-ba ( 晉悼復霸) 'Duke Dao of Jin restored hegemony' can be found in the Commentary of Zuo and the Discourses of the States. These descriptions seem to contradict Si-Ma Qian's statement that "The six ministers monopolized power after the reign of Duke Zhao of Jin." This research compares handed-down and unearthed documents of the pre-Qin and early Han period and analyzes the personalities of Duke Zhao of Jin and the six ministers and the international situations at the time. The main findings of this study are as follows. First, in the Commentary of Zuo, the Discourses of the States, the Records of the Grand Historian, and the Annual Record, Duke Dao of Jin is described positively, though with varied emphases such as open-mindedness, politeness, great capability, willingness to take advice, and practice of meritocracy. While Si-Ma Qian's statement that "the six ministers monopolized power" highlights the relationship between the monarch and his subjects, it does not negate the claim that "Duke Dao of Jin restored hegemony." Second, during the reign of Duke Dao of Jin, most of the powerful ministers, especially Xun Ying (荀罃) and Wei Jiang (魏絳), were talented and capable officials that made significant contributions. On the contrary, Xun Yan (荀偃), Shi Gai (士匄), and Luan Yan (欒黶) were not civic-minded but selfish, injuring the public good due to self-interest, which well supports Si-Ma Qian's comment. Third, Jin's successful foreign policies, such as making peace with the Rong tribes and forging a relationship with the states of Qi and Lu in the east, enabled the country to focus on confronting the strong state of Chu in the south with diplomatic means. Therefore, in terms of the international situations, it is fair to say that Duke Dao "restored hegemony" in Jin. This "restoration of hegemony" is attributed to the assistance of the capable ministers, but it was also these capable ministers that made the sovereignty of the monarchy destined to reduce.

主题分类 人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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