


A New Interpretation of the Travel Space Concept in the Poems and Articles on the Grand Canal in the Ming Dynasty




簡錦松(Chien, Chin-Sung)


明代 ; 大運河 ; 空間資訊 ; 現地研究 ; 明代詩文 ; Ming dynasty ; Grand Canal ; travel space ; on-site research ; poetry of the Ming dynasty




58期(2017 / 09 / 01)


105 - 107+109-156




本論文旨在說明,現地研究法所建立的明代大運河詩文解讀法。現地法主張收集到古文獻之後,第一步處理,就是依日期做成Excel檔案。接下來第二步處理,就要在衛星地圖上做數位化處理,把所要研究的古文獻中,全部地名一一輸入GoogleEarth pro地圖,做成kml檔案。第三步處理,便是現地驗證的拍攝。在這些工作之後,重新來解讀明代大運河詩文,便是本文所說的新解讀法。文中首先利用本人研究的明代大運河水陸運程,來解析宋末元初嚴光大的〈丙子祈請使行程記〉,一方面可以呈現新解讀法的作用,一方面也可以補充大運河研究中,傳承於元代的歷史問題。接著以一首吳寬〈自邵伯至寶應風雨中連日過湖〉詩,說明新解讀法的運作方法。最後再指出新解讀法的四項優勢。


This paper aims at illustrating an interpretation method for travel poems and articles in the Ming dynasty on the Grand Canal that is based on the on-site research method. The on-site research method comprises three steps after collecting ancient literature: (1) making an excel file in chronological order, (2) digitalizing the ancient literature on a satellite map by putting all the place names in the ancient books on a Google Earth pro map and converting the data into kml files, and (3) taking onsite photographs. The new interpretation method that this paper advocates is to reinterpret the related poems and articles after all the three steps are done. At the beginning, this paper uses both the land and water routes along the Grand Canal to analyze the two poems, "The Records of the Emissary's Schedule in the Bing- Zi Year" and "Passing the Lake from Shao-Bo to Bao-Ying in Wind and Rain for Days on End." The former one was written by Yan Guang-Da, a poet of the late Song dynasty and the early Yuan dynasty, and the second one, by Wu Kuan. With an analysis of the former one, this paper shows the functions of the new interpretation and solves the remaining historical problems of the Grand Canal studies since the Yuan dynasty. With the latter one, it shows the usage of the new interpretation method. Finally, it points out four advantages of the new interpretation.

主题分类 人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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