


Literary Works and Creative Writing Activities of Talented Women in the Han, the Wei, and the Six Dynasties: An Investigation Based on "Groups"




沈凡玉(Shen, Fan-Yu)


才媛(女性作者) ; 婦女文學 ; 漢魏六朝文學 ; talented women (female writers) ; women's literature ; literature of the Han, the Wei, and the Six Dynasties




58期(2017 / 09 / 01)


51 - 104






On the basis of primary data collected by previous scholars, this study investigates the literary works and creative writing activities of talented women in the Han, the Wei dynasties, and the Six Dynasties in Chinese history and the way male literati recognized, selected, and canonized these works. Literary works produced in these dynasties usually reveal the relationships between the author and the group to which he or she is affiliated. Accordingly, this study analyzes related materials with "groups" from the following two perspectives. First, female writers joined "diachronic cultural groups" by agreeing with and responding to literary canons. They mastered texts of female education and literary canons and identified themselves with historical models of virtuous women and talented men. Hence, they formed a cultural group with androgynous characteristics that related to the canons and literary conventions having been established by men. Second, female writers interacted with "synchronic interpersonal groups" by writing socialization works of various genres. These works demonstrate the actual statuses of women in their contemporary social groups, their interpersonal relationships, and their awareness of their gender roles and responsibilities. From the Han dynasty to the later periods of the Southern Dynasties, women's self-identification also developed diachronically in this kind of works of talented women. Specifically, in the Han and the Jin dynasties, talented women were deeply influenced by female education; they created their self-identity on the basis of the virtuous women portrayed in related canons. However, in the Southern Dynasties and subsequent periods, female writers' self-identity gradually shifted their focuses to their individual talents, rhetoric, and even romantic relationships. The relationships between intellectual women and their affiliated social groups increasingly diversified. Literary figures in the Qi and the Liang dynasties have attempted to compile a history of female literature and regard these female writers as a literary group. Nonetheless, currently available materials lack further analysis on the actual situations and implications of this literary group. This study delineates the group-based aspects of the talented women's works in the dynasties to complement the deficiency of discussions on the female writers in this period and their works, especially the non-lyrical ones, in the Chinese literature field.

主题分类 人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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