


The Developmental History of Metrical Patterns in the Early Tang: A Cross-Examination of Poem Writing Rules, Poem Selections, and Poems




蔡瑜(Tsai, Yu)


初唐 ; 格律 ; 詩格 ; 詩選 ; 拈二 ; early Tang ; metrical pattern ; poem writing rule ; poem selections ; second-character rule




59期(2017 / 12 / 01)


1 - 3+5-54






This paper compiles synchronic poetic events in the early Tang dynasty from a perspective of developmental history. It explores the progressive development of the metrical patterns in the early Tang by cross-examining the poem writing rules, the poem selections, and the poems at that time. It compares the metrical patterns in the early Tang and the level and oblique tone manuals in the early modern period and explicates their successive relationship and major divergences. The article consists of four parts: (1) the metrical pattern theories from the Qi and the Liang dynasties to the early Tang, (2) Cui Rong’s Collection of Pearl-Essence Scholars and The Poem Writing Rules Newly Set in the Tang Dynasty, (3) Li Jiao’s One Hundred and Twenty Miscellaneous Poems and Comments on the Poem Writing Rules, and (4) a comparison between the metrical patterns in the early Tang and those in the early modern period. Three statistic tables are included in the appendix: a reference standard table, an overall table of equations, and an overall table of the metrical patterns developed by individual poets in the early Tang. This paper attempts to establish a developmental history of metrical patterns in the early Tang through the cross-examination of the theories and the poems. It explains how the metrical patterns during this period have both succeeded and articulated the core ideas of Yongming poetics and opened up a new path for the development of metrical patterns in the early modern period. It also demonstrates how they have continued the spirit of metrical patterns in the early Tang when evolving variations of its own. It hopes to refine metrical pattern studies and make clearer the development of metrical patterns.

主题分类 人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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