


A Comparative Analysis of Liang Hong-Zhi's and Wang Jing-Wei’s Literary Works in their Period of Collaboration with the Enemy




劉威志(Liu, Wei-Chih)


汪精衛 ; 梁鴻志 ; 通敵 ; 偽政權 ; 淪陷區文學 ; Wang Jing-Wei ; Liang Hong-Zhi ; collaboration with the enemy ; pseudo-regime ; enemy-occupied area literature




63期(2018 / 12 / 01)


103 - 153






Drawing three sets of detailed comparisons of the relationships between poems and their contexts, this article is dedicated to analyzing the literary works by Liang Hong-Zhi and Wang Jing-Wei in their period of collaboration with the enemy. It thereby explores Wang's inner voice when he served for the enemy and meanwhile reflects on potential blind spots in interpreting his real frame of mind. The epistemological base of this article is Yen Kun-Yang's "chinesepoetryuselogy" and the methodological base for the comparison between Wang and Liang is Wang Ming-Ke's "mobile observation." This article selects three major situations from the context of collaboration: (1) the returning of the government to Nanjing, (2) the assassination, and (3) the negotiation with the enemy. The first one signifies Wang becoming a traitor leading the pseudo-regime under the Empire of Japan. The second refers to patriotists' attempt to assassinate him. The third indicates Wang's self-expectation and mission to end the war and reclaim the lost lands and rights. These three exerted pressure on Wang and developed his self-identity and self-expectations. This article analyzes Liang's and Wang's literary works written in the three contexts and explains the work-context relations in each set of them. The fact diplomatic stratagems can be found throughout Liang's works approximates the general understanding of Wang's regime or even his role in the Second Sino-Japanese War. However, the spirit of courageous advance, self-sacrifice, and candidness embodied in Wang's literary works is an incarnation of noble endeavor rarely seen during the war and in its immediate aftermath.

主题分类 人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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