


Representation of Unreality in the Commentary on Wu Se in The Selections of Ancient Poems in Caishu Tang




鄭婷尹(Cheng, Ting-Yin)


虛 ; 物色 ; 陳祚明 ; 《采菽堂古詩選》 ; Unreality ; Wu Se ; Chen Zuo-ming ; The Selections of Ancient Poems in Caishu Tang




67期(2019 / 12 / 01)


87 - 140






The Selections of Ancient Poems in Caishu Tang states that depicting scenery needs to describe the unreality. The unreality includes unreal wording (xu zi), unreal extent (xu jing), and unreal "Wu Se." From the studies of unreal wording and unreal extent, we could observe that Chen Zuo-ming showed the flexible and vivid side of poetry, and emphasized the need for unreal wording to be appropriate and indirect. In relation to unreal wording and unreal extent, "Shengdong youzhi" is a common term through the lens of Wu Se. Based on a detailed analysis of these critical terms, we will explore the unreal Wu Se in Caishu Tang. Before the Liang dynasty, the comments related to wind and water were composed in traditional literary techniques of comparison (Bi) and affective image (Xing). In the Liang Dynasty, the comments of wind were often associated with leisure, which showed the combination of unreal and real objects. Although water appeared most frequently in Chen’s criticism of unreal objects, the particularity of water was relatively weak in comparison with the commentaries on wind, light and shadow. Light was the most appreciated one in the unreal Wu Se. This is because light can best embody Chen Zuo-ming's opinions on the emphasis of unreal objects and view that both sentiment and vocabulary are important. Furthermore, Chen thought that light often displayed such a mixed aesthetic feeling as "Zhi" and "Jun." The comments on shadow appeared relatively late. Chen paid attention to the raising of shadow's subordinate status and effects. Besides, he took pains to explain the sharp and strong aspects of the shadow. Through the discussion of this article, we can have a deeper understanding of Chen Zuo-ming's emphasis on unreality, his views on sentiment and vocabulary, and the orientation of his language of poetry criticism. As far as the history of poetry criticism is concerned, Chen's criticism could be understood in terms of adopting Liu Xie's theory on general Wu Se and Zhong Rong's arguments on "Qiaogou xingsi" in the direction of specialization. While paying attention to the empty and impenetrable "unreal Wu Se," Chen also profoundly displayed the fineness and particularity of the depiction of outer objects in the poetry of the Southern dynasty. Chen’s criticism not only showed the harmony between the two schools of "Ge-diao" and "Xing-ling" in the early Qing dynasty, but also showed the literary trend of stressing the importance on artistic forms. He also provided readers with a reflection on the established cognition of poems before the Tang dynasty. All of these were Chen Zuo-ming's contributions to the representation of unreality in the commentary on Wu Se.

主题分类 人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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