


Discussion on the Origins of the Name Lianxi from Zhou Dun-Yi and its Influence




姜龍翔(Chiang, Lung-Hsiang)


周敦頤 ; 黃庭堅 ; 朱熹 ; 周壽 ; 周燾 ; Zhou Dun-Yi ; Huang Ting-Jian ; Zhu Xi ; Zhou Shou ; Zhou Tao




71期(2020 / 12 / 01)


149 - 198






This article aims to explore the origin of the name Lianxi from Zhou Dun-Yi and investigate the two theories whether the name was made by himself or from the name of his hometown. In addition to analyzing the naming controversies, this article also discusses the impact on future generations. The research results show that Zhu Xi's way of adopting the notion of not forgetting the origins of his ancestors does not apply to Zhou Dun-Yi's case. In addition, Huang Ting-Jian's statement includes the thoughts of Zhou Dun-Yi's two sons for their father, and expresses Zhou Dun-Yi's integrity. According to the literature of the Tang dynasty, this article deduces that Zhou Dun-Yi did not create new words so that the name of Lianxi was from hometown. In sum, it can be concluded that Lianxi is a small stream in Zhou's hometown, and Zhou Dun-Yi gave new meaning to it. In addition to the research results, this article also provides references in the academic circles about Zhou Dun- Yi's two sons, and analyzes his sons' efforts to spread Zhou Dun-Yi's reputation, which is the direction that future study could furthermore explore into.

主题分类 人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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