By examining the late Qing novelist Sun Yusheng's installment novel, Illustrated sequel to the dreams of Shanghai splendor, and the Pictorial daily in which the novel was serialized, I demonstrate how the novelists of the 1910s challenged the mechanics of serialization. Previous research discussed the ways in which these novelists passively adapted the structure of their work to the restrictions of serialization (e.g. limited length and publishing time); however, I argue that there were also novelists who revealed agency and creativity by breaking through the limitations of the installment novel medium. Sun Yusheng is an ideal example, as he incorporated pictorial-style news, advertisements, and even introductions to Shanghai's new architecture and celebrities, in the plot of his novel. His design opened up a new way of imagining serialization, and created a unique narrative structure for serialized novels. Early 20^(th)-century Shanghai was a city in progress, distinct from the depictions of well-known urban centers in classic texts, which could only be fully captured in an unprecedented type of literary genre. Sun Yusheng and his novel demonstrate how the mechanics of serialization can be manipulated as a means of simulating the present-progressive tense of the city of Shanghai.
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