


The Wisdom Guide and the Writing of Cantonese: Yueou, or Cantonese Folksongs and the Presentation of Knowledge in The Reformist Movement




高嘉謙(Ko, Chia-Cian)


粵語 ; 粵謳 ; 方言 ; 知識體系 ; 文學表述 ; Cantonese ; Yueou (Cantonese folk song) ; dialect ; knowledge system ; literary expression




80期(2023 / 03 / 01)


103 - 150






Dialect was a welcome intervention in the vernacular movement in the late Qing dynasty, a time when standard written vernacular Chinese had not yet been established. Dialectal involvement not only touched on how the emerging body of knowledge could be effectively translated into literary expression through dialectal diction and writing, but also reached out to several cross-border groups that spoke the dialect of Guangfu, Cantonese. As Cantonese speakers received and disseminated new knowledge, they produced and consumed a new, revolutionary discourse in Cantonese, described the social space of their home country and immigrants from abroad, and even shaped the national imagination and local forms of the Cantonese language interface. In this article, we look at the role of Cantonese writing since the vernacular movement of the late Qing dynasty and early Republic of China, and how it constituted an effective vehicle and style of expression in the process of receiving new knowledge and concepts in different parts of the world. Folk song Yueou was a folk style of rap that flourished in the late Qing dynasty in the Lingnan area. In addition to being popular among prostitutes and singers, new Yueou was also written to comment on politics and respond to new trends. The Wisdom Guide, founded in 1900 by Feng Ziyou, Zheng Guangong and others in Yokohama, Japan, was the first political magazine of the Restoration Era to publish new Yueou. Through this magazine, we can observe the vision of the Restoration that Yueou carried at that time, and the knowledge structure behind it. How did such a knowledge system relate to the publication system of Chinese newspapers and periodicals in Japan, and in particular to the significance of the "miscellaneous songs" section in the New Novel magazine founded by Liang Qichao? This involves the perceptual framework that can be explored behind Yueou, including the capture and representation of oral patterns and the politics of emotion in the context of the times.

主题分类 人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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