


An Investigation of the Development of Di and Xia Joint Worship Interpretations in the Han Dynasties: Centered on "One Xia Joint Worship Every Three Years and One Di Joint Worship Every Five Years"




張書豪(Chang, Shu-Hao)


宗廟 ; 禘祫 ; 張純 ; 何休 ; 鄭玄 ; Ancestral temple ; di and xia ; Zhang Chun ; He Xiu ; Zheng Xuan




81期(2023 / 06 / 01)


71 - 73+75-113






The article organizes a series of Confucian interpretations of "one xia joint worship every three years and one di joint worship every five years" in the chronological order of their appearances. It observes the backgrounds and motives of the Confucian researchers that made related arguments in the Han dynasties, clarifies the "fierce controversy" occurring for hundreds of years by the period of Zheng Xuan, and demonstrates the following results. The related arguments started with the "two great worships within five years" in the Gongyang commentary, then Wei Xuancheng's "one di joint worship and one xia joint worship," and then Kuang Heng's "one xia joint worship every two years." The next was Liu Xiang's "one xia joint worship every three years and one di joint worship every five years," which later became the fixed rule for the Eastern Han dynasty's di and xia joint worships due to Zhang Chun's suggestion. Then He Xiu and Zheng Xuan reinvestigated the ritual system because Emperor Zhang's di joint worship in the seventh year of the Jianchu era was inconsistent with the eighth year di joint worship mentioned in the Spring and Autumn Annals. Exclusively adhering to the Gongyang interpretation, He Xiu proposed that "the count of di and xia joint worships should follow the former lord's" and "the di joint worship should be held in di's year and the xia joint worship in xia's year." Zheng Xuan put forward his argument based on the Rites of Zhou and explained the Spring and Autumn Annals and the Three Commentaries with one sole principle. He advocated that "the xia joint worship should be held in the founding lord's temple after the mourning of three years. The di joint worship should be held in the other lords' temples in the next spring. After that, two great worships should be held within five years, one di joint worship and one xia joint worship." However, neither of the two arguments could be verified with the classics and commentaries of the Spring and Autumn Annals, so the "fierce controversy" continues.

主题分类 人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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