


Explanation Effect in Superstitious Thinking




王震武(Jenn-Wu Wang);林文瑛(Wen-Ying Lin)


理性 ; 靈異 ; 迷信式思考 ; 解釋效果 ; 預測 ; rationality ; supernatural ; superstitious thinking ; explanation effect ; prediction




47卷1期(2005 / 03 / 01)


39 - 60






The purpose of the present research is to find out if there is ”rationality' in superstitious thinking and to explore the thinking deficit of superstition. The main focus of the research lies in the effect of a supernatural explanation when it is offered as ”predictive” or ”post-hoc explanation” views. In Experiment 1, the subjects read five stories and were asked to rate how likely the supernatural explanation stands as the cause of the events. The control group read the stories with mere event description. The ”predictive group” read the stories with supernatural views successfully predict the events, while the ”post-hoc explanation group” with supernatural views offered after the events occurred. The results indicated that there is Post hoc Explanation Bias in responses. That is, contrary to scientific thinking, subjects did not prefer predictions to post hoc explanations. In Experiment 2, another ”implicit predictive group” was added in order to dispel the possibility that the ”predictive views” was taken as self-fulfilling prophecy. Experiment 3 was designed to examine the explanation effect in non-supernatural thinking. The results demonstrated that the explanation effect may be a thinking deficit for most people which makes superstitious thinking inevitable.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
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