


Is the More the Better? The Role of Divergent Thinking in Creative Problem Solving




林緯倫(Wei-Lun Lin);連韻文(Yunn-Wen Lien);任純慧(Chun-Hui Jen)


2-4-6問題 ; 假設產出 ; 發散性思考 ; 頓悟問題 ; 創造力 ; 2-4-6 problem ; hypothesis generation ; divergent thinking ; insight problem ; creativity




47卷3期(2005 / 09 / 01)


211 - 227






It is often thought that divergent thinking is the base for solving problem creatively, for the more ideas an individual generates, the more likely he will hit the answer. This idea however has never been tested empirically, partly due to a lack of measurable index regarding the creativity of hypothesis generation. The current research therefore aimed at 1) defining an index featuring creativity in hypothesis generation; 2) investigating the relation between divergent thinking and creativity in problem solving, which has been reframed as a process of generating and revising hypotheses to reach a goal by many researchers. The authors argued that the ”2 4 6 problem”, a rule discovery task which had long been regarded as a task involving inductive reasoning, could be regarded as an insight problem from the perspective of hypothesis generation, and therefore suitable for representing creativity in problem solving. Since many subjects who failed to discover the correct rule in ”2 4 6 problem” were due to lack of perspective shifting while generating hypothesis, the authors therefore proposed that how different a new hypothesis is from the previous ones could serve as an useful index for creativity in problem solving. New-perspective hypotheses only referred to those hypotheses that located in different branches at the most and the second most abstract levels of the tree diagram composed of all the hypotheses generated in the ”2 4 6 problem” by all the 8lsubjects in the current research. Experiment 1 aimed at justifying the new index by establishing its relation with the association theory of creativity (Mednick, 1962). A Lexical Decision Task (LDT) was designed to measure the different abilities of remote association, indicated by the differences in priming effect between strong- and weak-associated word pairs. The results of 81 subjects from National Taiwan University showed that remote association ability significantly correlated with the generation of new-perspective hypotheses in ”2 4 6 problem”, which then predicted the solving of the problem. Experiment 2 then investigated whether the ability of divergent thinking would predict the creativity in hypothesis generation represented by the new-established index as well as the success in problem solving. The same group of subjects performed a Chinese version of Divergent Thinking Test (Wu, 1998) a week from Experiment 1. The results showed the scores of divergent thinking test predicted neither the creativity in hypothesis generation nor the success rate of solving the ”2 4 6 problem”. Implications for distinguishing creativity required by art creation and scientific discovery as well as for enhancing creativity were discussed.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
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