


Ambivalence over Emotional Expression in Romantic Relationship: A Longitudinal Research




李怡真(Yi-Chen Lee);林以正(Yi-Cheng Lin)


情緒表達衝突 ; 關係品質 ; 縱貫研究 ; 對偶分析 ; 因果關係 ; 滿意度 ; 親密感 ; 承諾感 ; ambivalence over emotional expression ; relationship quality ; longitudinal research ; dyadic analysis ; causal relationship ; satisfaction ; intimacy ; commitment




48卷1期(2006 / 03 / 01)


53 - 67




過去研究一致指出,個體在關係中的情緒表達衝突程度與關係品質具有高度負相關,但這些發現均建基於橫斷性的研究,不但無法說明情緒表達衝突和關係品質在時間進程中彼此不斷交互影響的過程,更無法回答兩者間的因果關係。本研究特以縱貫研究法追蹤情侶的對偶資料以探討上述議題,並以問卷調查法進行資料蒐集。在時間一,以78對交往中的情侶為受試者進行問卷施測,測其情緒表達衝突程度與三項關係品質指標,分別為關係滿意度以及Sternberg(1986)愛情三元素中的親密感與承諾感。時間二的測量於一年後進行,請同一群受試者進行第二次的施測,共分析65名與相同對象交往的受試者。本次除了測量情緒表達衝突程度,亦測量與時間一相同之各項關係品質指標,以對照受試者在一年的關係進程中,其情緒表達衝突程度對關係品質之影響,並以對偶分析(dyadic analysis)的方法進行資料分析。本研究發現,情緒表達衝突在前後測中呈現穩定的高相關,關係品質亦然,此結果說明情緒表達衝突和關係品質皆具跨時間的穩定性;其次,在兩個橫斷的時間點上,可以穩定的發現個體的情緒表達衝突與自己和伴侶的關係品質具有顯著負相關;再者,時間一的情緒表達衝突不能預測時間二的關係品質,但時間一的關係品質卻能預測時間二的情緒表達衝突,此結果顯示,由關係品質對情緒表達衝突造成的跨時間影響較為穩定。最末,透過迴歸分析與Cross-Lagged相關係數檢定發現,情緒表達衝突與關係品質間並不具有單一方向的因果關係,更基於情緒表達衝突的改變量與關係品質的改變量存在顯著的相關,本研究結果傾向結論兩者間具有雙向因果影響之關係。


The present study examined the relationship between ambivalence over emotional expression (AEE) and quality of relationship in a longitudinal design. At time 1, 78 couples completed several questionnaires, including ambivalence over emotional expressiveness questionnaire and several indices of relationship quality. One year later, these participants were again invited to complete the same set of questionnaires. Sixty-five participants stayed in the same relationship and their data were analyzed. Results showed significant negative correlations between the AEE and all indices of relationship quality in individual and dyadic level at both time 1 and time 2. However, the correlations between the relationship quality at time 1 and the AEE at time 2 or vice versa were not stable. Regression analysis and cross-lagged analysis indicated no one way causal relationship between them. On the other hand, the high correlation between change scores of AEE and quality of relationship supported the possibility of two way interaction causal relationship. Discussions focused on the mutual influences between AEF to romantic relationship and quality of relationship.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
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