
How Spatial Memory is Affected by Spatial Terms: On Bilingual Native Chinese Speakers' Recognition of Visual Information






林慧麗(Hui-Li Lin)


空間記憶 ; 空間用語 ; 作業難度 ; 雙語 ; spatial memory ; spatial terms ; task difficulty ; bilingualism




48卷2期(2006 / 06 / 01)


139 - 150






The present study aimed to examine how spatial terms affect spatial memory under various degrees of task difficulty. Two experiments were conducted. Chinese-English bilingual subjects' performance of spatial memory was measured. In both experiments, subjects were given cues of English or Chinese spatial terms before they were asked to remember a picture. In Exp.1, task difficulty was manipulated by changing the duration of exposure to the picture. In Exp.2, task difficulty was manipulated by changing the amount of contents to be remembered. By comparing the performance between the cued groups and the control groups under different levels of task difficulty, a crossover interaction effect between language and task difficulty on the non-linguistic spatial memory was observed. Implications for future studies are suggested accordingly.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
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