


The Effect of Brand Awareness and Product Involvement in Brand Representation




汪曼穎(Man-Ying Wang);陳曉萍(Hsiao-Ping Chen)


品牌知名度 ; 涉入度 ; 鏡射效應 ; 再認記憶 ; 消費者行為 ; brand awareness ; product involvement ; mirror effect ; recognition memory ; consumer behavior




48卷3期(2006 / 09 / 01)


235 - 254




本研究以再認記憶的研究方法與雙歷程記憶理論探討品牌知名度與產品涉入度對於品牌概念表徵的影響。前置研究蒐集品牌曝光頻率的主觀評定值以及各種產品類別的涉入度分數,據此選取材料進行三個實驗。實驗一採用標準的再認記憶作業,實驗二在學習階段使用真假品牌判斷作業,實驗三運用記得(remember)/知道(know)程序(Tulving, 1985)測量再認表現。結果發現高知名品牌的命中率與假警報率都比低知名品牌為高,且兩種效果都與記得反應有關;這種結果顯示品牌知名度對品牌表徵的影響不同於詞頻,通常伴隨詞頻出現的鏡射效應(mirror effect) (Glanzer &Adams, 1985)並沒有出現在品牌知名度。另外,低涉入產品品牌的命中率高於高涉入產品,而且品牌知名度的假警報率效果只出現在高涉入產品品牌,涉入度的相關效果則與記得、知道反應都有關。這些實驗結果以品牌名稱的認知表徵方式來解釋,並討論其與消費者行為研究的關係。


This study adopts the research paradigm of recognition memory and the dual-process memory theory to explore the effect of brand awareness and product involvement in the cognitive representation of brand concepts. A norms study was conducted to collect the subjective ratings of brand exposure frequency and the involvement scores for various product categories, on which the selection of materials of three experiments were based. Experiment 1 used a standard recognition memory task, while a brand reality judgment task was used in the study phase of Experiment 2. Recognition performance in Experiment 3 was measured using the remember/know procedure (Tulving, 1985). Results show that both hit rate and false alarm rate of well-known brands were higher than less familiar brands and these effects were related to remember responses. Brand awareness appears to affect brand representation in a way different from word frequency and the mirror effect typically associated with word frequency (Glanzer & Adams, 1985) was thus not observed for brand awareness. In addition, the hit rate of brands from low-involvement products was higher than that from high-involvement products. The false alarm effect of brand awareness was present only in brands from high-involvement products. The involvement related effects were demonstrated in both remember and know responses. The manner in which brands are cognitively represented provides explanations for current findings. The implication for the study of consumer behavior was also discussed.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
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