
Adolescent Self-Identity and Mental Health: The Function of Identity Importance, Identity Firmness, and Identity Discrepancy






陳坤虎(Kun-Hu Chen);雷庚玲(Keng-Ling Lay);吳英璋(Yin-Chang Wu);姚開屏(Grace Yao)


認同重要性 ; 認同確定性 ; 認同落差 ; 青少年 ; 身心健康 ; Identity importance ; Identity firmness ; Identity discrepancy ; Adolescence ; Mental health




49卷1期(2007 / 03 / 01)


53 - 72




Erik Erikson主張「自我認同」為青少年期的主要發展要務,並認為認同概念可解釋心理病理的發展。本研究承襲Erikson之理論,藉「認同重要性」與「認同確定性」的構念探討青少年之心理健康。「認同重要性」由Chen, Lay, and Wu(2005)根據Cheek(1989)對於認同需求的實徵測量方法與對認同面向的區分,而設計出對個人、社會、與形象認同需求之測量。「認同確定性」源自Erikson所強調認同的連續性與同一性,而由Chen et al.(2005)發展個體對於認同同一感之確定程度的測量,亦區分為個人、社會、形象認同三個面向。此外,本研究另提出「認同重要性」與「認同確定性」之落差概念,並主張「認同落差」可預測心理健康。研究一(N=203)採用「已知群體法」,比較「健康控制組」(N=85)與「身心疾病組」(N=56)的大學生在以上三種認同指標上的差異。結果顯示「認同確定性」與「認同落差」的組間差異達到顯著。研究一進一步以迴歸分析檢視「認同落差」的涵意,結果發現雖「認同落差」對於「身心症狀量表」之預測力較「認同重要性」佳,但卻與「認同確定性」無異。此外,認同重要性與身心症狀指標在身心疾病組為正相關,在健康控制組卻為負相關。研究二(N=185)重複檢驗研究一的結果,比較「健康控制組」(N=65)與「神經官能症組」(N=56)的大學生在以上三種認同指標上的差異。結果仍顯示「認同確定性」與「認同落差」的組間差異達到顯著。迴歸分析的結果則發現,「認同落差」對於以SCL-90R為測量工具之十項心理疾病指標之預測力較「認同重要性」為佳且亦幾乎皆較「認同確定性」佳。此外,認同重要性與SCL-90R之GSI指標在神經官能症組為正相關,在健康控制組卻為負相關。整體而言,本研究指出認同確定性與認同落差對身心健康之正、負向預測力,而認同重要性在健康個體與適應不良的個體中,可能分別扮演正面與負面的不同角色。但在認同重要性與確定性同為低分的受試者中,認同落差的作用方式及其與身心健康的關係,則仍需於未來研究中進一步探討。


This study examines how three features of self-identity, namely, identity importance, identity firmness, and identity discrepancy, are related to adolescent mental health. In Study 1 (N=203), college students designated as the healthy-control group (N=85) demonstrated higher identity firmness and lower identity discrepancy than those designated as the psychosomatic group (N=56). Three multiple regression analyses indicated that identity discrepancy was a better predictor of psychosomatic reactions than identity importance, yet its predictability did not differ from identity firmness. Findings of Study 1 were replicated in Study 2 (N=185). Another group of college students designated as the healthy-control group (N=65) demonstrated higher identity firmness and lower identity discrepancy than those designated as the neurosis group (N=56). Study 2 also indicated that identity discrepancy was a better predictor than identity firmness for almost all of the subscales included in the SCL-90R. The present study concluded that the newly developed concept of identity discrepancy” offers a unique view for understanding adolescent mental health, provided that the individual is not at a state of both low identity importance and low identity firmness.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
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